Tools & Trades History Society

Latest News

Important - Reduced Membership Fees

Membership fees for both existing TATHS members and new members have been reduced with immediate effect. 

The Executive Committee are aware that living expenses have risen in recent years and have decided to lower our annual membership subscriptions to make TATHS membership more affordable.

Existing members will find the new rates apply from 1 April 2025 when you renew your suscription. If you pay by standing order please ensure you change the amount before your renewal is due.

New members who join TATHS now can use the new rates and will gain membership from now until 31 March 2026 before needing to renew the subscription.

New rates are as follows:

UK Individual or Organisation  £25.00  per year.   UK Family  £28.00 per year

European Individual or Organisation  £29.00  per year

Overseas Individual and Family  £ 37.00  per year

Student and Apprentice  UK, Europe and Overseas   £10.00  per year.  ( Proof of student or Apprentice status will be required ).

Please note that due to recent bank changes we are no longer able to accept cheques unless drawn on sterling bank accounts.  Overseas members and purchasers can pay by bank transfer, debit/credit card or paypal.