The Salaman Awards were established in memory of Raphael A. Salaman (1906-1993), a distinguished historian of tools and trades. He always liked to consider tools within the context of their use and he took particular interest in the lives and working conditions of the tradesmen who used them. He was the author of two indispensable reference books, the Dictionary of Woodworking Tools and the Dictionary of Leather-Working Tools. He was a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries and he was a founding Vice-President of TATHS.
The Salaman family generously added to the funds available in 2015, securing the long term future of the awards.
Funds are available to a limit, in any one calendar year, of £2000* in the form of Grants towards the cost of research projects proposed to be undertaken and/or Awards for research work already completed. *However, it would be very exceptional for the entire sum to be granted/awarded to a single project or piece of research.
Applications will be considered from any person or group, whether members of the Tools and Trades History Society or not.
Proposed projects and completed work submitted for consideration will be assessed by the Executive Trustees regarding:
- Originality of the work and the extent to which it advances the Society's objective.
Suitability for publication, either as written material or as a visual/aural record, under the auspices of the Society, or elsewhere with the acknowledgement of the Society's assistance.
Persons or Groups wishing to apply for Grants or Awards should download an Application Form and submit this when completed, together with any synopsis or particulars requested, for consideration by the Trustees especially charged with assessment of that and any other applications received.
Potential Applicants should be aware that submissions received in the early part of the year will be more likely of success in getting a Grant/Award that year, than those which arrive later, when other budgetary processes may have imposed funding constraints.
Final decisions about Grants/Awards in any one year will be made by the Executive Committee of Trustees.
Anyone who would like to add to the award fund should get in touch with our Chairman who will be pleased to discuss any proposals.