Directory of American Toolmakers
A reprint on CD of the Directory of American Toolmakers, published by the Early American Industries Association.
The CD contains a list of approximately 14,000 toolmakers working in Canada and the United States before 1900. The 1999 print edition, which ran to 1200 pages, soon sold out but in response to continued interest the EAIA produced this convenient electronic version.
The main feature is the Directory itself in pdf format, listing toolmakers by Name, Location, Working Dates, Types of Tools made, Sources, Birth and Death dates and Trade Marks. Many entries include supplementary text giving more background and history of the companies listed. It is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in American tools and their makers.
The CD also includes sample articles from the EAIA journal The Chronicle and an index to its contents for 1988-2006
Prices including postage are
UK: £7.00
Europe: £10.00
Rest of World: £12.50