Who's Who in TATHS
The TATHS President is Jane Rees.
The Vice Presidents are Christopher Proudfoot, Simon Barley and Tony Waldis
TATHS is run by a Committee of trustees, elected at the Annual General Meeting for a term of three years.
The current Committee:
Chairman: chairman@taths.org.uk Paul Coutts
Secretary: secretary@taths.org.uk Brigitte Graham
Treasurer: treasurer@taths.org.uk Colin Byfleet
Membership: membership@taths.org.uk Steven Fitches
Other members of the committee: Nick White, Miles Hember, Brian Mansfield, Michael Woods, Tony Turley, Gavin Graham.
In addition, other members of the Society help to run various function. These officers are:
- Nick White, the Technical and Queries editor.
- Tony Waldis,, the Acting Webmaster.
- Christopher Proudfoot, the Newsletter Editor.
- Mike Rogers, the Events Co-ordinator.
- Tony Turley, the Southern Area Organiser.
- Hugh Thompson, the Hawley Trust Liaison Officer.